Document History

Original Publish Date: 19 June, 2020

Updated on: 30 April, 2021

PMGSY roads

Summary stats

PMGSY across years
Loksabha Term Number of projects Length coverd (Kms) Total sanctioned amount (Lakhs)
2004 1203 7539 256034
2009 2426 9261 354112

Constituency type

PMGSY summary stats wrt constituency type
Constituency Type Average number of projects Average length per project Average length over all
Family 33 4.1 133.8
Non-family 33 5.0 165.3

Experience categories

PMGSY road stats wrt to experience categories
Expereince Category Average number of projects Average cost (Lakhs) Average road length
[0,1) 46 4308 116
[1,6) 54 4462 123
[6,11) 22 3215 85
[11,21) 52 4710 136
[21,Inf] 40 5179 142


PMGSY road stats wrt to caste groups
Caste group Average number of projects Average cost Average road length
Dalit 55 5667 151
Non-Yadav OBC 47 4107 118
Upper Caste 46 4213 115
Muslim 35 3388 96
Yadav 31 5117 143
Others 29 4059 109


Constituency type

PMGSY average number of contractors and amount sanctioned wrt constituency type
Type of constituency Average number of unique contractors AAvergae amount sanctioned to a unique contractor (Lakhs)
Family 17 533
Non-family 16 607

Experience categories

PMGSY average number of contractors and amount sanctioned wrt experience category
Experience category Average number of unique contractors Avergae amount sanctioned to a unique contractor (Lakhs)
[0,1) 16 492
[1,6) 19 457
[6,11) 10 492
[11,21) 17 468
[21,Inf] 16 463


PMGSY average number of contractors and amount sanctioned wrt caste group of the politician
TCaste group Average number of unique contractors Avergae amount sanctioned to unique contractors (Lakhs)
Dalit 19 519
Muslim 11 427
Non-Yadav OBC 15 433
Others 14 343
Upper Caste 17 527
Yadav 17 408

AC level data

Summary of the data

Data is available for two years 2007 and 2012. So we expect to have 403*2 = 806 observations.

Missing values

##   length n_roads cost
## 1    226     226  226

Variable summary


Number of roads

cost per kilometre

cost per project



Linear regression - PMGSY
Dependent variable:
road length Cost per km cost per project
(1) (2) (3)
dyn_cum_2 5.164 0.421 -32.437***
(3.884) (0.622) (11.235)
constituency_typeSC 0.667 -0.093 2.632
(2.038) (0.600) (11.827)
log(electors) 14.393 -1.334 11.463
(8.807) (2.246) (51.931)
incumbent 1.251 0.242 -5.235
(3.181) (0.776) (15.277)
no_terms -0.709 -0.114 1.997
(1.011) (0.290) (5.175)
turnout_percentage 0.225 0.003 -0.318
(0.201) (0.075) (1.275)
margin_percentage -0.055 0.0004 -0.523
(0.135) (0.037) (0.674)
enop 0.357 0.231 -4.822
(1.152) (0.274) (5.513)
nl_tot -0.0004 -0.0002* 0.003
(0.0003) (0.0001) (0.002)
Year fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
District fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Clustered error District District District
Observations 580 580 580
R2 0.216 0.443 0.330
Adjusted R2 0.083 0.348 0.216
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01


Dependent Var.: n_roads
dyn_cum_2 0.3455** (0.1072)
constituency_typeSC 0.1329 (0.1062)
log(electors) 0.1682 (0.4174)
incumbent 0.1254 (0.1393)
no_terms -0.0126 (0.0485)
turnout_percentage 0.0232* (0.0107)
margin_percentage -0.0056 (0.0065)
enop 0.0033 (0.0506)
nl_tot -3.24e-5 (2.3e-5)
Fixed-Effects: —————–
year Yes
district_name Yes
___________________ _________________
S.E.: Clustered by: district_name
Observations 806
Squared Cor. 0.20845
Pseudo R2 0.15271
BIC 6,470.7

PMGSY contractors data



## [1] 906  12

variable names

##  [1] "S No"             "Contractor Name"  "Caste"            "Contact Person_x"
##  [5] "Sr.No."           "State Name"       "Company Name"     "Contact Person_y"
##  [9] "Address"          "Contact Details"  "Unnamed: 7"       "PAN Number"


Missing caste

TRUE represents missing ones Count
TRUE 183

Unique castes

##  [1] "Thakur"          NA                "Bania"           "Yadav"          
##  [5] "OBC"             "NA"              "Kurmi"           "Bhumihaar"      
##  [9] "Brahmin"         "Jat"             "SC"              "Rajput"         
## [13] "UC"              "Muslim"          "Raput"           "Kayasth"        
## [17] "Punjabi Khatris" "MUslim"          "Jain"            "Jaiswal"        
## [21] "BRahmin"         "Lodhi"           "Sahu"            "Kushwaha"       
## [25] "Maurya"

caste distribution

Caste Count Percentage
UC 497 55
OBC 129 14
Muslims 84 9
Dalit 8 1
Un-identified 188 21

PWD roads

summary stats

Summary of PMGSY
Year Number of projects Total length Average road length per project (km) Average number of projects per constituency Average road length per constituency (km)

Family type

Average number of projects and length of the road wrt constituency type
Constituency Type Number of projects Length per project Length over all


Average number of projects and length of the road wrt experience category
Experience category Number of projects Length over all
Average number of projects and length of the road wrt experience category
Constituency type Experience category Number of projects Length over all


PWD road stats wrt to caste groups
Caste group Average number of projects Average over all road length